Structural Geology and Controls on Gold Mineralization, MaginoDeposit, Wawa Subprovince, Northern Ontario

The intern will determine which factors determine the distribtuion of gold at the Magino gold project, near Wawa Ontario. This will be accomplished by geologic mapping and examination of drill core at the Magino site during two summer field seasons. Samples and data collected in the filed will be returned to Laureitan University and examined using petrographic microscope and scanning electron microprobes as well as preparation of a geologic map and cross section focused on the structural geologic framework of the deposit. The partner Argonaut Gold will benefit from this research through an improved understanding o nthe distribtuion of gold within the Magino deposit and the geologic events which resulted in this distribution. This will help the partner in exploration at the deposit and surrounding areas.

Faculty Supervisor:

Bruno Lafrance;Ross Sherlock


Ian C Campos


Argonaut Gold Inc.


Geography / Geology / Earth science



Laurentian University



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