Temporary Migrant Farmworkers in Essex County: Building Community Inclusion in a Post-COVID-19 Context

Temporary migrant farm workers make essential contributions to our national food supplies as evidenced during COVID-19. Their exclusion from rights to labour mobility, family unity and the absence of systemic supports, however, undermines workers’ wellbeing and belonging, and the inclusions to which migrant workers are entitled. There is less attention to how communities support their access to service and enhance their inclusion and wellbeing. The project will examine how community-based initiatives advanced during COVID-19 through the Windsor Essex Immigration Partnership Council supports the inclusion of migrant workers. The project will employ a qualitative community-based research methodology, and conduct interviews with community stakeholders and temporary migrant farm workers to identify workers’ needs, how workers live in, make use of, and identify the barriers to inclusion they experience in Windsor-Essex. The project will benefit community efforts to identify migrant workers needs, gaps in service and recommendations that include migrant workers experiences.

Faculty Supervisor:

Glynis George


Jemimah Amos;Erika Borelli


Workforce WindsorEssex


Resources and environmental management




University of Windsor



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