Testing efficacy of bird deterrents for use at wind energy facilities

For this project the intern will place a predator owl deterrent at the base of a wind turbine and hang nest boxes at a distance of at least 200 m from a wind turbine. The expected result of implementing the predator owl and the nest boxes will be a decline in bird mortalities occurring at three wind-energy sites in Nova Scotia. These sites will be monitored for 12 weeks during spring and fall 2016 bird migration periods (May 16th – June 10th & August 15th – October 7th). Data collected during this time will be compared to data collected in 2015 to determine the effectiveness of implementing the owl and nest boxes. This project will benefit the partner organization by obtaining results that can be used to reduce bird mortalities during future wind-energy developments.

Faculty Supervisor:

Tony Walker


Katherine Dorey


Strum Consulting


Environmental sciences


Environmental industry


Dalhousie University



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