The Effect of Exercise-Induced Fatigue on Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Elite Youth Hockey Athletes

The aim of this research project is to observe the difference in function between the dominant and non-dominant lower limb in elite youth hockey athletes. Further, to observe how this difference is altered when the athlete is fatigued. Reducing or eliminating limb imbalances is thought to have a positive outcome on reducing injury risk, ensuring optimal development, and allowing for the greatest functional capabilities. In order to improve performance, development, and training programs, the partner organization (Okanagan Hockey Group) is interested in observing fatigue levels and other performance metrics for their individual athletes. Through this project, OHG will gain access to a set of sport-specific reference values for “typical” metrics for various age groups. This will allow them to improve training programs and optimize youth athlete development within their organization.

Faculty Supervisor:

Brian Dalton;Chris McNeil


Bryce Twible


Okanagan Hockey Group






University of British Columbia Okanagan



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