The Investigation of a Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC) Fabrication Process for the Design of Advanced Millimeter-Wave Components for 5G Communication Technology

The main objective of this project is to design and test millimeter-wave RF front end components for applications in 5G new radio communication systems utilizing the thin-film multilayer LTCC fabrication process developed at ACAMP. With these fabricated and characterized prototypes, ACAMP will be able to showcase its specialized LTCC fabrication process and provide support to potential Canadian technology clients and companies looking to develop technology for the upcoming 5G mobile communications market. The project will provide the intern an opportunity to gain knowledge in the design and testing of millimeter-wave antennas and filters for advanced communication systems, as well as to network and develop contacts through ACAMP’s clients within the 5G mobile communications industry.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mojgan Daneshmand


Amarveer Dhillon;Zahra Abbasi;Eric Der


Alberta Centre for Advanced MNT Products


Engineering - computer / electrical


Information and communications technologies


University of Alberta



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