The Representation of Visible Minorities, Indigenous Peoples and Women in Senior Leadership Positions in London, Ontario

The aim of the current project is to assess the level of representation of visible minorities, indigenous peoples, and women in leadership roles in the public and non-profit sectors in London. The current project also aims to conduct in-depth interviews with key stakeholders in London to determine if and what some of the organizations in the public and non-profit sector in London have done to improve the representation of visible minorities, indigenous peoples, and women over the last four years. The current project will benefit Pillar Nonprofit Network in that it will provide evidence regarding the level of diversity in leadership positions in the public and non-profit sector. The current project will also provide useful information about promising practices to increase diversity in these leadership positions. Overall, the current project will help to indirectly evaluate board recruitment strategies including the use of the OnBoard program in London.

Faculty Supervisor:

Victoria Esses


Alina Sutter


Pillar Nonprofit Network




Other services (except public administration)


Western University



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