The viscous disk model for 66 Ophiuchi constrained by spec

My project focuses on a particular kind of massive star that are surrounded by disks called B-emission (Be) stars. These objects
are ideal laboratories for studying disks. Massive stars can spew out a thousand times more energy per second than our Sun and
because the disk is formed from gas launched from the star, they are not shrouded in dust like star forming regions where we find
disks. They are also numerous – hundreds of Be stars exist right in our own galaxy!
Despite decades of study we still don’t know why the disk forms and this is the major puzzle in this field of research. The rapid
rotation of the star certainly helps to propel material off the surface into the disk but we don’t think that this quick rotation provides
enough of a kick. Something else must help to eject the material – perhaps gravity from an orbiting star, a wave or pulsation on
the stellar surface or a push from the stellar radiation. TO BE CONT.

Faculty Supervisor:

Carol Jones


Daniel Hatfield



Physics / Astronomy





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