Total synthesis of anthocyanins for the prevention of cognitive decline

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease affecting more than >45 million individuals worldwide with numbers expected to reach >135 million by 2050. The multifactorial nature of AD hinders the development of therapeutic treatments and, as such, several drug candidates have failed in clinical trials. Polyphenolic compounds have the ability to reach the brain and target the multifactorial aspects of AD. Recently, a specific formulation containing four different polyphenols from the anthocyanin family (MAF14001) has been revealed as a promising formulation for preventing cognitive decline. However, the high prices and low availability of anthocyanins hamper the further development and commercialization of MAF14001. The main objective of the research proposal is to develop an efficient and affordable synthetic sequence towards anthocyanins. The developed synthetic process could be used by our industrial partner, Sollertis Pharma, to commercialize anthocyanins-containing formulations such as MAF14001 for the prevention of cognitive decline and/or AD.

Faculty Supervisor:

Charles Gauthier


Emmanilo Delar



Geography / Geology / Earth science






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