Towards a utility framework for enterprise business intelligence mashups

The objective of this research project is to determine the efficacy of enterprise mashups in the realm of business intelligence. Based on a deliberation of enterprise and end-user requirements for BI Mashups technologies and services, this project aims to formulate a utility framework for enterprise BI Mashups. The framework is expected to advance an understanding of business process requirements that can be satisfied through the use of enterprise BI Mashups, and also aid in the development of mashup toolkits targeted at BI end-users. As IBM Cognos is one of the major providers of enterprise business intelligence and analytics technologies, there is significant interest within the company for further development of BI mashup tools and services. The research investigation outlined in this proposal aims to advance the knowledge base for enterprise BI Mashups by offering strategic insights and actionable guidelines that can improve the adoption of business intelligence technologies across the enterprise and enhance the end-user experience with mashup tools and applications for business analytics.

Faculty Supervisor:

Umar Ruhi


Sabbir Ahmed


IBM Canada




Finance, insurance and business


University of Ottawa



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