Transforming Experiences into Solutions: A Multiphase Interdisciplinary Study on Recruitment and Retention of Women in Saskatchewan Engineering and Mining

Currently in the Canadian mining industry, approximately 16% of roles are filled by women. Furthermore, the mining industry is facing a future labour shortage as a significant proportion of its current workforce is approaching the age of retirement. Underrepresented groups, such as women, can help to fill these projected labour gaps and aid in solving challenges the industry faces, such as digital transformation and sustainable development. However, systemic and culture barriers have prevented women, in particular, from being better represented in the mining industry.
In response, this IMII-funded study will bring together industry and academic research focus which transform the experiences of men and women in the Saskatchewan mining industry into practical solutions which address barriers faced by under-represented groups. The ultimate goal of this work is put recommendations into action to shift Saskatchewan mining and minerals workplaces to be inclusive and diverse workplaces.

Faculty Supervisor:

Jeanie Wills;John Moffatt


Jocelyn Peltier-Huntley


International Minerals Innovation Institute





University of Saskatchewan



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