Uncertain Futures: Quality Assurance for Volunteered Geographic Information

This project is focused on exploring volunteered geographic information (VGI), a special classification of widely available and pervasive data, which is commonly afflicted by issues degrading its overall quality. These issues make the applicability of VGI for a variety of projects in government, private, and scientific sectors questionable. We hope to design and implement several software programs that will be easily adoptable to current and future research programs in alleviating these concerns. Using VGI, we will identify and diminish uncertainty in commonly used datasets and sources. The identification of the kinds of prevalent issues and reliable ways of correcting these problems will guide the design and deployment of our software, which is ultimately aimed at addressing VGI-user needs.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Renee Sieber


Matthew Tenney


Esri Canada


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Information and communications technologies


McGill University



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