Understanding attitudes, beliefs, behavioural intentions, and behaviours related to sensitive environments

The proposed research project will take place on three nature reserves owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) (Miscou, NB – 780 acres, Escuminac, NB – 630 acres, Salmonier, NL – 440 acres), where NCC wants to understand how the land is being used by the community, the motivation and beliefs of those using it, and options for behaviour change to prevent damage to sensitive habitats. The intent of the research is to understand the relationship between ATV and other land uses, and land conservation, including piping plover issues in NB, and to determine the management options that could be supported and most effective in each community. Each intern will gain necessary data collection, analysis and writing skills to complete a master’s thesis. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Alistair Bath


Jessica Hogan


Nature Conservancy Canada


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Environmental industry




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