Understanding helmet design and performance based on size, fit, and component analysis

The main concern for helmet performance is the reduction of skull and brain injury risk during impact events. Combinations of shell materials, foams, and three-dimensional engineered structures are used to design hockey helmets. Using current helmet evaluation techniques, the contributions of each of these components cannot be directly assessed. In the proposed work, high-speed X-ray imaging will be used to obtain full-field, time-resolved internal monitoring and measurement of helmet component deformation and interaction with a head surrogate (headform). This information will be used to redesign shell structures, liner components, and engineered structures to optimize helmet design. This will improve helmet safety for Canadians engaged in sports through all levels of play and will provide CCM Hockey with a competitive advantage in the sport specific personal protection market. The proposed project will provide advantageous training for the interns, who will gain experiential research opportunities focused on the needs of Canadian industry.

Faculty Supervisor:

Oren Petel


Mary-Jo Weir Weiss;Sheng Xu


Sport Maska Inc


Engineering - mechanical




Carleton University



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