Understanding the priorities for quality of life in people after brain injury

We will use a four-phase process to obtain group consensus on the needs and priorities of individuals with brain injury. Throughout the process, participants will meet in virtual focus group to identify, by consensus, the most relevant needs and priorities among those listed previously. The most relevant indicators from the previous stage will be finalized and prioritized by the participants in a final virtual meeting. This research is novel as no research to date has identified the priorities of research and rehabilitation to improve quality of life after TBI using a patient-partnered approach. The expected benefit to the partner organization is having increased material and resources on their website (Brain Streams), providing opportunities for their clients to contribute to TBI research and contribute their ideas and lived experience and being involved in community initiatives for people with TBI and making connections with the UBC community.

Faculty Supervisor:

Julia Schmidt


Juliana Garrone


British Columbia Brain Injury Society




Other services (except public administration)


University of British Columbia



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