Use of a deep passive source extremely low frequency (ELF) conductivity mapping system to improve the definition of ore bodies at depth – Applications to Bathurst, NB

The Bathurst Mining Camp, located in northern New Brunswick, is one of Canada’s oldest mining districts. Most of the 46 known deposits were discovered in the 1950s using a combination of geological and geophysical methods. However, renewed exploration efforts over the past 15 years have not been as successful as one would expect for the level of expenditure the camp has gone through. Aurora Geosciences Limited (AGL) is a leading-edge service provider in the application of geology and geophysics for mineral exploration.  Over the past 5 years they have been using a passive source electromagnetic system (called ELF) that has the advantage of not requiring any active sources of energy (e.g generators) nor cables to be laid out in the ground. Another advantage of this system is that it can generate deep images of the subsurface up to 1-1.2 km depth. The goal of this project is to use Aurora?s ELF system over a series of known deposits in Bathurst and then use these data to produce 3D models. These models will help further exploration efforts in the area.

Faculty Supervisor:

Hernan Ugalde


Alex Furlan


Aurora Geosciences Limited


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Mining and quarrying


Brock University



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