Using GIS Mapping to Understand the Burden of Trauma in East Africa

The World Health Organization estimates trauma causes 5 million deaths each year, 90% of those deaths occurring in low-to-middle income countries. While improved outcomes have been noted when resources are focused on improving staff training, infrastructure, supplies availability, and process organization, the burden of injury in Kenya is not fully known and significant injury and death from major traumas occur frequently. This research will propose a Geographical Information System (GIS)–enabled trauma registry that will map layers of data, highlighting trauma locations, and healthcare facilities to understand the burden of trauma and suggest the strongest use of resources to improve outcomes. This conceptualization will guide future protocols in developing local infrastructure, empowering facilities (trauma hubs), and expand transportation protocols in Western Kenya. This process of developing and implementing a GIS-enabled trauma registry can then be applied to rural areas of Canada where similar resource allocation challenges apply.

Faculty Supervisor:

Thomas Churchill


Jessica Hogan


Innovative Canadians for Change




Information and communications technologies


University of Alberta



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