Vibration Assisted Nano Mechanical Machining through Atomic Force Microscope

The objectives of this proposed research are the development of a piezoelectric actuator system to assist nano machining by minimizing forces and the generation of nano-patterns to achieve the desired surface characteristics. The objectives shape the comprehensive technologies required to achieve flexibility, productivity and accuracy in manufacturing miniature systems through a judicious combination of experimental and analytical analysis.

The proposed research will make original contributions in micro- and nano-scale manufacturing processes by bridging the gap between the macro world and the nano and micro domains and will provide the necessary momentum for commercialization of micro/nano systems. Although this technique is not appropriate for all micro and nano applications, it will benefit the fabrication of complex 3D miniature devices with a significant reduction in costs. Applications, such as polymeric lab-on-chips (i.e. miniature real-time polymerase chain reactions) used in the detection of diseases, will be investigated in order to provide a fast response, and portability for point-of-care systems.

The student will perform tribological tests in nano scale through force spectroscopy, scratch and nano-indentation tests to identify flow stress and elasto-plastic tribological properties, such as hardness, the friction coefficient, elastic recovery, and plowing effects. The second part of the work is an implementation of nano stage which we have developed in our laboratory using piezo-electric actuator. The student will investigate the dynamic characteristics of the piezoelectric actuator stage.  A real-time operating and control system (DSpace 1103PX4) will be used to actuate the elliptical shapes through a Matlab/SimulinkTM environment. 

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Simon Park


Shankar Raman



Engineering - mechanical




University of Calgary


Globalink Research Internship

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