Vital Sign Monitoring for Overdose Detection and Emergency Notification

This research looks to develop a wearable device that is capable of monitoring users’ vital signs to detect an opioid overdose and send an emergency notification to emergency services for intervention. The vital sign monitoring will be carried out by a pulse oximeter, and will focus on the blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, respiratory rate, and heart rate variation of users to determine when an overdose has occurred. The overdose detection algorithm will be developed by first recording the vital signs of people while they consume drugs, then using this information to develop a strategy to identify when the user’s vital signs are indicative of an overdose occurring. The partner organization, ODEN Health Solutions Inc., is focused on providing solutions to combat deadly opioid overdoses and will use this research as a starting point to develop a fully self-contained wearable device for opioid overdose detection and emergency notification.

Faculty Supervisor:

Bonnie Gray


Alex McGovern


ODEN Health Solutions Inc




Health care and social assistance


Simon Fraser University


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