Water Penetration of Brick Veneer Walls Made of Clay Bricks with Large Voids

Rain water penetration can cause severe damage to building materials and facilitates the growth of mould, endangering the health of the occupants of the building. This Mitacs project will determine the water penetration resistance of various clay brick veneers used in various buildings. This research will also provide very important test data that may allow engineers and builders to use much lighter clay bricks (clay bricks with large voids) as the brick veneer. Use of lighter bricks translates to less carbon footprint and hence, is a sustainable choice. The research work will be completed using wall tests in special environmental chambers under the joint supervision of Dr. Sreekanta Das at the University of Windsor and Mr. Patrick Kelly at the Clay Brick Association of Canada.

Faculty Supervisor:

Sreekanta Das


Babak Hajimohammadi


Clay Brick Association of Canada




Construction and infrastructure


University of Windsor



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