Water Stability Control for Optimization of Filtration at Portage la Prairie and Sanford Water Treatment Plants

There are about 180 public water treatment plants in Manitoba relying on surface water as their source of supply. Optimization of water treatment processes offers many operational savings for these plants. Portage la Prairie and Sanford water treatment plants are examples of typical Manitoba water treatment plants. Both plants utilize lime/soda softening processes to remove water hardness. The softening process requires serious water pH control, otherwise it can lead to the precipitation of calcium carbonate particle that causes excessive wear on filters, among other consequences. This research proposes to study the stability of water pH and alkalinity for optimization of recarbonation and filtration to maximize filter life, preserve water quality and reduce energy and water consumption.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Beata Gorczyca


Arman Vahedi


City of Portage la Prairie




Environmental industry


University of Manitoba



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