Wireless Readout Integrated Microwave Sensor for Detecting Ice/Snow in Harsh Environments

Several de-icing systems have been developed to reduce economic losses and safety hazards due to ice and snow accretion on home pathways. These de-icing systems need to be energy-efficient, and therefore, must be accompanied by high-performance sensors capable of accurately detecting ice and snow to control the de-icing system. In addition to this application, recent industrial developments have shifted the paradigm of ice sensors towards extreme environment applications requiring sensors be operated in harsh conditions. These sensors must exhibit robust performance with significant accuracy while enduring variations in environmental and operational conditions. To increase the ease of implementation, wireless capabilities are required to widen their adaptability.
Microwave sensing is an emerging technology which has demonstrated contactless, non-intrusive, and robust monitoring and detection performance and is an outstanding candidate for implementing these ice sensors. The innovation will be integrating the transducer component and the wireless readout electronics on a single substrate for reliable, ultrasensitive, and wireless detection of ice and snow. This unique project will instigate further miniaturization and enhancement to microwave sensor functionality while creating high accuracy ice sensors for currently inaccessible environments without requiring an input source or expensive auxiliary equipment.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mohammad Hossein Zarifi


Kishor Kumar Adhikari


Tekmar Control Systems




Information and cultural industries


University of British Columbia Okanagan



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