Sequence Stratigraphic Mapping of point bar deposits in the MU2 and MU3 units of the McMurrayFormation, Sunrise Lease, Athabasca Oil Sands

This project will map the sandstone and shale deposits in the McMurray Formation to improve resource extraction and recovery efficiency. The detail that this study will provide can help lower our energy sector’s carbon footprint in the future, and answer questions regarding changes in coastal river environments. It examines the interaction between rivers and the […]

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Optimal Landfarming Strategy for Treating Oil Refinery Sludge

In this project, a comprehensive review of relevant literature and case studies regarding landfarming of oily sludge will be conducted, and the optimal landfarming operation strategies will be proposed. A number of field experiments will be implemented to examine the impacts of different environmental factors on microbial activity. Specifically, the impacts of bulking agents and […]

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Mining Association Rules from Tucker SAGD Database

  Tucker project is Husky Energy’s first major project in the Alberta’s oil sands and it uses the Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) oil recovery technology. Large amount of geological, operational, drilling and testing data has been collected for over 5 years in Tucker project, which contains implicit knowledge to improve the oil production. The […]

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Obesity Research

The goal of this study is to look at the effects of healthy lifestyle on obesity status in men who are middle aged, slightly overweight and don’t exercise. This study will use exercise and nutrition guidelines to look at their effect on some of the hormones which maintain healthy body weight. Subjects enrolled in this […]

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Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of the Grand Rapids Formation and Equivalents, East-Central Alberta and West-Central Saskatchewan, Canada

Understanding of Earth history involves many approaches. In the case of this project, the focus is understanding the distribution (paleogeography) of ancient shallow-marine and coastal environments of Alberta and Saskatchewan during the Lower Cretaceous. The Grand Rapids Fm represents an important interval that occupies a crucial location for resolving the history of such environments, particularly […]

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Controls on diagenetic evolution in Tithonian Jeanne d’Arc Formation, Terra Nova field: Implications for reservoir quality evolution

Hydrocarbons are hosted in porous sedimentary rocks which were deposited several million years prior to the ingress of hydrocarbons. Once these sedimentary rocks are deposited, other physical, chemical and biological, all termed diagenetic, processes act to modify their original properties. A major product of this diagenesis is cementation. The cement (minerals) occludes (plugs) the pore […]

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