Mathematicians to address industry challenges through internships

Toronto, ON — The Fields Institute and Mitacs, a national not-for-profit research and training organization, have partnered to see graduate and postdoctoral researchers solve challenges using mathematical sciences in collaboration with businesses and not-for-profit organizations.

The partnership will provide companies with access to top mathematical scientists in Ontario in order to support the development of technologies and services in finance, insurance, data analytics and other industries.

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows will have opportunities to transfer their skills from theory to real-world application, while the companies gain competitive advantages by accessing high-quality research expertise.

Example projects include:

  • Evaluating potential financial risks and returns from a community impact investing program with a local credit union
  • Modelling economic impacts of major weather events and climate change for a national home insurance provider
  • Detecting fraud and irregularities in the international securities market by applying data mining techniques with a Canadian investment hedge fund

The agreement fostered between The Fields Institute and Mitacs, will be realized through Mitacs’ research internship program, which is dedicated to advancing innovation in Canada through university-industry partnerships. Interns and fellows will benefit from the opportunity to develop their professional skills and networks as they investigate solutions to research challenges.


Alejandro Adem, Chief Executive Officer and Scientific Director, Mitacs
“We’re pleased to partner with The Fields Institute to bring mathematics research to financial industry challenges in Ontario. These Mitacs internships will build upon the research talent at Fields by applying their knowledge to business challenges in ways that will develop innovation in the finance and insurance sectors across Canada.”

Ian Hambleton, Director, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
“Fields welcomes this partnership with Mitacs, and looks forward to opening up new opportunities for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty at our sponsoring universities to engage with industry. Mathematical tools are becoming increasingly important in a wide variety of applications, and Fields is enthusiastic about expanding our role in this area.”

Quick facts about The Fields Institute:

  • The mission of the Institute is to enhance mathematical activity in Canada by bringing together mathematicians from Canada and abroad, and by promoting contact and collaboration between mathematicians and the community.
  • The Institute supports research in pure and applied mathematics, statistics and computer science, as well as collaboration between mathematicians and those applying mathematics in areas such as engineering, the physical and biological sciences, medicine, economics, finance, telecommunications, and information systems.
  • Every year, Fields Institute programs attract more than 4000 participants from around the world.

Quick facts about Mitacs:

  • Mitacs is a national, not-for-profit organization that has designed and delivered research and training programs in Canada for 16 years
  • Working with 60 universities, thousands of companies, and both federal and provincial governments, Mitacs builds partnerships that support industrial and social innovation in Canada
  • Mitacs’ research internship program connects graduate students with industry and not-for-profit partners for collaborations supervised by faculty
  • Open to all disciplines and all industry sectors, projects can span a wide range of areas, including manufacturing, business processes, IT, design, and more



  • To learn more about The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, visit
  • For information about Mitacs and research and training programs, see


Photo from left to right :  Alejandro Adem, Chief Executive Officer and Scientific Director, Mitacs; Ian Hambleton, Director, The Fields Institute
