Mitacs and Inria foster international research collaborations

VANCOUVER — Mitacs and Inria formalized a partnership to support two-way international research opportunities for graduate researchers at Canadian universities and at eight Inria Research Centres in France.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Mitacs — a Canadian not-for-profit organization that connects university-based researchers with businesses and government — and Inria, the French research institution for computer science and applied mathematics.

Quick facts:

  • The Globalink Research Award will offer Masters and PhD students in Canada and PhD students in France the opportunity to participate in 12- to 24-week research projects abroad.
  • The projects will be jointly supervised by faculty members at Canadian universities and Inria Research Centres.
  • A call for proposals will be jointly announced by Mitacs and Inria this fall.
  • Since 2009, Mitacs has brought 1,285 of the world’s top students to Canadian universities through Globalink. We started sending students from Canada abroad in 2014.


Mitacs interim CEO and Scientific Director, Rob Annan:

“This MOU will provide new opportunities for graduate students at Canadian universities and Inria Research Centres to develop collaborations focused on the information and communication sciences and technologies through productive, hands-on bilateral research internships.”

Listen to it here.

Inria, Director of the International Affairs Department, Hélène Kirchner:

“The institute’s objective is to strengthen its impact by joining forces with the best partners to jointly address scientific challenges or global problems. This is achieved by supporting strong and balanced partnerships and by leveraging on increased exchanges of researchers. This MOU will give new opportunities of exchanges to strengthen collaborations between Inria and Canada.”

Learn more:

You can find more information about Mitacs in our Newsroom at

Information about Inria may be found online at
