Ethoca Technologies

Applications of quantum technology: Quantum Sensing

Join us on a journey into the fascinating world of quantum sensing! Mitacs is excited to host a webinar that will explore the cutting-edge field of quantum sensing and its transformative potential. Quantum sensing empowers scientists to enhance measurement sensitivity and precision far beyond the realm of classical physics. Quantum sensing is revolutionizing our ability to measure and understand the world around us, from detecting minute changes in gravitational forces to mapping brain activity with unprecedented precision.

In our webinar, you’ll hear from leading experts in the field who will share their insights into how quantum sensing can potentially transform our technology landscape and open new doors to the measurement and imaging world, unlike anything we have seen before, and change our understanding of the universe. They will reveal real-world applications that were once the stuff of science fiction but are now becoming a reality. You’ll learn how quantum sensors are being used for precision measurement, navigation, discover new materials, and enhance medical imaging and diagnostics, among many other groundbreaking applications.

Featured Speakers:

  • Dr. Martin Laforest, Director – Quantum Strategy, ACET and Quantum Advisory Council Member: A quantum physicist by training, Martin spent his career ensuring quantum technologies have a disruptive, yet positive impact on industry and society. Martin is currently managing partner for Quantacet, an early stage, quantum-focused investment fund and the director of Quantum Strategy for ACET, a Sherbrooke-based deep tech incubator offering specific mentoring tailored to quantum enterprises. Martin also serves as a technical advisor for the deployment of a quantum communication testbed in the province of Québec led by Numana.
  • Dr. Aimee Gunther, Deputy Director of the Internet of Things, NRC: At the NRC, she engages across research centres and collaborative challenge programs to shape and lead the Quantum Communications theme within the High-Throughput and Secure Networks Challenge program.  Aimee has PhD (Quantum Information) in experimental quantum optics from the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo. Her research encompassed: quantum photonics, nonlinear optics, biological imaging, and ultrafast laser science.
  • Dr. Erika Janitz, Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary: She is nominated for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Quantum Hardware Engineering. Her research aims to leverage the laws of quantum mechanics in developing state-of-the-art technologies; specifically, she explores the use of tiny magnetic moments in diamonds — known as “spins” — as memory elements in quantum computing or atom-sized quantum sensors. Moving forward, Dr. Janitz will combine this expertise in her group to fabricate and characterize novel defect centers with optimal properties for building quantum technologies.
  • David Roy-Guay, CEO, SB Quantum: David is the CEO and co-founder of SBQuantum, a spinoff from Institut quantique, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Over the last three years, the passage through the Creative Destruction Lab quantum stream has added an algorithmic and data centric focus to SBQuantum, to provide to clients the best Magnetic Intelligence for geophysics exploration, magnetic based navigation and defense applications. For these streams, David and the SBQuantum team are thinking differently to solve user problems using quantum magnetometers assisted with advanced interpretation algorithms.