As the landscape around COVID-19 continues to change, our priority of supporting global public health remains steadfast.
Mitacs is allowing work to take place virtually during this unprecedented time. In this case, we expect fellows to follow partner and academic institution work from home procedures. We expect all participants to keep in close contact with each other, agreeing on expectations, and carrying out methodologies. Please confirm if this is the case.
We are also supporting changes to projects on a case-by-case basis. If your project is not able to continue in the current climate (e.g., indispensable infrastructure isn’t available), you can put your project on hold at any time — now or in the future. If you wish to do this, we invite the academic researchers and the partner organizations to discuss the best course of action. Please advise us of the exact or anticipated dates on which your project was/will be put on hold and when it will be resumed.
If your project can carry on as originally planned, please let us know. If you need to make other modifications, please also let us know.
For more information on how to get the most out of your virtual experience, we recommend you review the Virtual Interactions Guide found in the General Mitacs Terms, Conditions & Policies zip file under How To Apply.