
AllerGen boosts annual trainee event with Mitacs Step workshop

Trainees gain expert insight on networking for success

AllerGen’s 50+ trainees learned how to refresh, build and make the most of their existing networks at the Mitacs Step workshop. For AllerGen’s trainees, the benefits of the workshop were immediate with many reporting having put a number of networking tips into practice shortly after the event. AllerGen Highly Qualified Personnel and Events Coordinator, Michelle Harkness described the presentation of Networking for Success as “energetic and synchronized” with 92% of survey respondents rating the session “above average” or “excellent”.  AllerGen enthusiastically recommends this session to organizations seeking to build capacity in the next generation of Canadian leaders destined for careers where their work crosses disciplines and sectors.

By joining Mitacs as a research partner, organizations driving innovation, such as AllerGen, can access Mitacs Step workshops led by experts in the fields of business, communication and project management.  Step workshops provide up-and-coming researchers and innovators with the advice, resources, and skills they need to successfully navigate the ever-changing business environment.  Mitacs will work directly with its research partners and integrate these interactive professional development sessions into partners’ conferences, meetings and events.

Mitacs thanks the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario for their support of the STEP workshops in this story. Across Canada, the STEP program also receives support from Alberta Innovates, the Government of British Columbia, the Government of New Brunswick, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Government of Nova Scotia, the Government of Prince Edward Island, the Government of Quebec, the Government of Saskatchewan, and Research Manitoba.

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Mitacs empowers Canadian innovation through effective partnerships that deliver solutions to our most pressing problems. By driving economic growth and productivity, we create meaningful change to improve quality of life for all Canadians.