3D Printable conductive nanocomposite sensors for CRFID moisture, strain, and temperature sensing in composite pipes

Transportation of oil and gas through pipeline networks remain a crucial infrastructure for sustainable economic growth in Canada. Pipeline wear and damage will remain a major concern as it can lead to catastrophic failures causing environmental and economic damage if undetected. For easier detection of damage on a large network of pipelines, an array of wireless radio frequency identification tags was developed for steel pipes. However, the material used for the tags were not suitable for pipes made with polymer composites as the stiffness of the copper could damage it. The main objective of this project is to create a conductive polymer material which is softer than copper but will achieve similar results as the wireless tags. Furthermore, the material needs to be 3D printable, which would facilitate in large scale implementation of the tags during the manufacturing of the pipes. The project will benefit the company as the wireless detection system can be used for Shawcor’s composite pipes.

Faculty Supervisor:

Hani Naguib


Marco Chu




Engineering - other


Oil and gas




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