A Flexible Next-Generation Network Platform

CENGN (http://www.cengn.ca/ ), the Center of Excellence in Next Generation Networking, is a newly formed tri-council funded center of excellence for commercialization and research (CECR) that will bridge the gap between research and commercialization, which is critical to building successful startup companies. CENGN is a consortium of industry, academic and research leaders who are putting their expertise and equipment on the table to lower the barrier to entry for SMEs and researchers. CENGN accelerates commercialization by providing companies and researchers access to a world-class physical and virtual multi-vendor commercialization, test, certification and validation platform. CENGN will ensure that Canada is a global leader in the development of the Next Generation Network (NGN), the Internet of Things (IoT). The Interns supported through this cluster application will contribute to the development of this innovative platform, based on Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) concepts. They will also interact with SMEs that deploy their applications on this platform and work with vendors who would like to see their products integrated into the multi-vendor platform.

Faculty Supervisor:

Thomas Kunz


Eugene Ngangue


Center of Excellence in Next Generation Networking


Engineering - computer / electrical


Information and communications technologies


Carleton University



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