A fuzzy logic based alert propagation system for temporal tracking of clinical samples

Clinical logistics has more than 20 years of experience in providing clinical samples to some of the largest pharmaceutical companies for the clinical studies. These samples are mainly used in clinical studies for research and development of new drugs. Thus the quality and timely provision of sample is of utmost importance. Currently the operation of clinical sample collection and management is performed manually. This makes the operation error prone and limits its scalability. The primary goal of the proposed research is to improve the sample tracking by use of a fuzzy logic system and a novel alert system. This will allow Clinical Logistics to improve sample tracking and will ensure that it is able to provide the clients with the clinical samples with highest quality. Such a tracking system, being scalable will also allow clinical logistics to attract more business. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Pawan Lingras


Ranjit Mishra


Clinical Logistics Inc


Computer science


Finance, insurance and business


Saint Mary's University



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