A novel multi-echo MRI technique for prostate cancer detection and grading

We propose to develop a novel, clinically relevant MRI based technique for prostate cancer detection. We also propose to develop a novel reporting system that would be more accurate and easier to use by the radiologists. The new technique will be first developed on a research MRI scanner at UBC, and subsequently implemented on the clinical MRI scanner at VGH. The main benefit to the hospital will be a new, improved MRI technique for prostate cancer detection and grading. The novel MRI protocol will require shorter acquisition time, as compared to the current mp-MRI standard, which should allow to scan more patients. We also believe that the new reporting system, developed throughout this project will be more accurate and easier to use by the radiologist, which should speed up the image interpretation process, and result in higher accuracy of diagnosis.

Faculty Supervisor:

Piotr Kozlowski


Maryam Mohtajeb


Vancouver General Hospital


Engineering - biomedical


Health care and social assistance


University of British Columbia



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