A One-Health approach to echinococcosis (Echinococcus multilocularis) in client owned dogs in Alberta: force of infection, risk factors, diagnostics, treatments and information

This project aims to determine prevalence rates of Echinococcus species tapeworms in domestic dogs and to compare these rates to those obtained from wild canids including wolves, coyotes, and foxes. This will shed light on infection rates and risk factors for both the human population and their pet dogs. This research will benefit Bayer as they produce many pharmaceuticals that combat Echinococcus infection and believe an increased public awareness of this parasite is important for public health. Adequate education on Echinococcus will help people to avoid this risk and also to recognize potential infection in their homes.

Faculty Supervisor:

Alessandro Massolo


Emilie Toews


Bayer Inc Animal Health


Epidemiology / Public health and policy


Medical devices




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