A Ranking Method: The Top Integrated Energy Generation/StorageTechnologies (Building and Community Scales)

Analysis of the best performing technologies will be conducted relative to the areas of building-integrated energy generation and storage of such energy at the building/community scale. Relevant product and other technological literature will be collected and various areas of performance will be used for comparison. Such metrics of performance for generation/harvesting technology will include (but may not be limited to) conversion efficiency from the energy source to usable energy, cost of installation and useful operating life span. Metrics of performance for storage technology will include (but may not be limited to) total energy storage capacity, losses and other factors (such as durability) affecting storage efficiency, cost of installation and useful operating life span. Limiting factors such as installation requirements and building code requirements will also be explored. This will provide S2E with a useful resource for implementing such technologies into Project Smart Community and other future projects while also providing a framework for a database of products.

Faculty Supervisor:

Drs. Miljana Horvat & Zaiyi Liao


Edmund KonroydBolden


S2E Technologies Inc.


Architecture and design




Ryerson University



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