An Assessment of Local Business’ Understandings and Needs for Community Leadership in a Small Urban Setting

Community leadership development and training programs must respond to changing corporate and public perceptions. There has been a lack of research on community leadership within small urban settings, where the impact that training and development programs have may be high. Our objective is to describe how local businesses in a small urban setting understand community leadership and what needs they have with respect to training and development. We will conduct fifteen in-depth interviews with a diverse range of local business leaders in Greater Victoria, British Columbia. Community leadership will be understood as something distinct from marketing and philanthropy. Understanding of community leadership will vary greatly by business and a diverse range of development needs identified to help inform Leadership Victoria’s future program and service offerings. This research will help to build and support stronger community leadership in Greater Victoria and other smaller urban settings across North America.

Faculty Supervisor:

Nathan Lachowsky


Lindsay Shaw


Leadership Victoria Society


Epidemiology / Public health and policy


Medical devices




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