Archival Research and Accessioning for the CSCE National History Committee

The proposed research project will determine the significance of and catalog historic papers and documents held by the National History Committee (NHC: established 1983) of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE: established as the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers in 1887). These records have been rather haphazardly stored by various Chairs of the NHC since its inception and, if properly organized, will provide a valuable archive for historical researchers that will be housed at the University Ontario Institute of Technology Library. The research will also augment available information to develop succinct, accurate and consistent descriptions of the 78 existing CSCE National and International Historic Sites for dissemination through the CSCE Website and other media. The research will develop guidelines to allow oral histories of prominent Canadian civil engineers to be obtained by interviews that include procedures to obtain necessary ethical approvals, interviewee agreement forms, and guidance for the interviewer.

Faculty Supervisor:

Michelle Hamilton;Michael Dove


Louisa Orford


Canadian Society for Civil Engineering







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