Artificial Intelligence-based COVID-19 Radiology Image Analytics and Beyond

The excessive daily requirement for COVID-19 tests has put the healthcare providers in an overwhelming circumstance, especially in rural communities, with a limited number of resources. Moreover, the existing COVID-19 screening technique is time-consuming and expensive, which can be a luxury for many communities. Thus, in this research project, in collaboration with the TBRHRI, we press the necessity of an automated AI-aided solution for efficient and faster COVID-19 diagnostic. The main challenges during this pandemic time undertaken by this project are 1) facilitate the COVID-19 screening process by employing AI-based automated techniques, and 2) deploy the AI module in a web or mobile application by ensuring data privacy. This research project can benefit the TBRHRI to deal with uncertainties and excessive time-delay in terms of the COVID-19 screening process by utilizing artificial intelligence with automatic radiology image analysis to detect COVID-19.

Faculty Supervisor:

Zubair Fadlullah


Sadman Sakib


Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute


Computer science



Lakehead University



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