Assessing the impacts of fisheries, hydroelectric infrastructure, and temperature on Gates Creek sockeye salmon migration

The annual return of sockeye salmon to the Fraser River is a vital part of British Columbia’s environment, economy, and First Nations heritage. However, sockeye salmon can face numerous challenges during their migration including fisheries, warm water temperatures, and dams. Recent population declines in sockeye salmon have prompted concerns over the challenges salmon face during their migration and studies are needed to determine how the these challenges combine to affect salmon. In partnership with St’át’imc Eco Resources, interns from the University of British Columbia will study how one population of Fraser River sockeye salmon – Gates Creek sockeye – are affected by fisheries encounters in the lower Fraser River, warming water temperatures, and migration past hydroelectric dams on their home stream, the Seton River. Results of this project will inform fisheries management and dam operations to benefit salmon while providing economic benefits to the community served by St’át’imc Eco Resources.

Faculty Supervisor:

Scott Hinch


Collin Middleton





Natural resources


University of British Columbia



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