Canadian Communities of Practice in Global Health: meeting the SDG challenge – Year two

Canada’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has implications for both domestic and foreign policy in a complex, shifting, and interdependent global health system crowded with multiple actors and stakeholders. The array of activities involved with global public health practice necessitates engagement with health policy and systems research (HPSR), and Knowledge Translation (KT) is critical to bridging the gap between knowledge generated through research and the knowledge that is used to inform policy, practice, and programs. My proposed two-year Fellowship, with the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) and the University of Ottawa, advances KT through deepened engagement with the Canadian global public health community for the integration of SDGs within health systems in Canada and internationally. 

Faculty Supervisor:

Ronald Labonté


Sameera Hussain


Canadian Society for International Health


Epidemiology / Public health and policy


Medical devices


University of Ottawa



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