Canadian Optical Satellite Communications Consortium Technology Roadmapping

As part of the Optical Satellite Communications Consortium (OSC) and in partnership with Satellite Canada Innovation Network (SatCan), this two and a half year project will build towards developing a new Technology Roadmap for emerging optical technologies applicable for future satellite communications (SatCom) developed in Canada. Graduate students from the University of Ottawa will intern at SatCan, interfacing with the subject experts of the OSC members to analyze and integrate inputs for the OSC vision, state-of-the-art technologies, foreign government initiatives, standardization initiatives, use cases, and systems architecture. This will determine the technology readiness levels, identify knowledge and technology gaps, and propose opportunities to fill those gaps. An impact assessment report will evaluate the value of the OSC roadmapping project on the OSC and the Canadian satellite industry.

Faculty Supervisor:

Karin Hinzer


Robert Hunter


Satellite Canada Innovation Network


Engineering - computer / electrical


Professional, scientific and technical services


University of Ottawa



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