Capturing Learning in the Classroom (CLIC)

CLIC (Capturing Learning in the Classroom) is a Canadian-developed web-application designed to allow teachers to document observations of children’s learning experiences in the classroom. It streamlines the documentation process and automatically generates summaries for planning and communication of learning. CLIC enables teachers to link their observations to the expectations set out in the standardized curriculum document. The purpose of this internship is to undertake a research study to determine if and how CLIC is making a difference to the way teachers in Ontario Kindergartens document learning and the ways in which they use that information to plan further learning experiences that improve student learning outcomes. Pearson Canada will use the findings to inform what kind of professional development is needed to help educators learn how to use CLIC effectively to document their observations and plan future learning experiences. It will also inform the development of a new improved version of CLIC (V2) for Kindergarten and provide guidance on how to extend CLIC to higher-grade levels.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. CarolAnne Wien


Brenda Jacobs


Pearson Education Canada






York University



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