Characterization and Modeling Inclusion Population during Secondary Steelmaking – Year two

The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a fundamental understanding of inclusion evolution during a particular refining process in secondary steelmaking unit. The particular focus is firstly on developing a detailed characterization of the inclusions formed during refining in the Stelco Ladle Metallurgy Facility, and secondly on adapting the existing McMaster ladle metallurgy/inclusion model for the Stelco facility. Ultimately this is expected to achieve better process and product control. Inclusions, depending on their size and type, may profoundly affect steel properties. Depending on their type and abundance they may have an equally profound effect on the process, for example nozzle clogging by inclusions, leads to interruptions of the casting process. For these reasons, the nature and quantity of inclusions formed is an important criterion of assessment for refining processes. It is crucial to understand and control the evolution of inclusions as a function of process conditions either to minimize the quantity or modify the type from deleterious to benign inclusions. Moreover, a comprehensive kinetic model that considers steel-slag reactions and steel-inclusion reactions is a powerful tool to accurately predict the inclusion population during secondary refining. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Kenneth Coley


Kezhuan Gu




Engineering - other




McMaster University



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