Deconstructing the Borromean Trinity of Free/Libre and Open Source Software Development: A Case Study at Savoir-Faire Linux

Savoir Faire Linux (SFL), a leading open source software solutions provider, operates within the free, libre and open source software (FLOSS) community. SFL has been successful because it has been able to effectively adapt code developed with the contributions of the FLOSS community to the needs of its clients. At the same time, however, control over such code can considerably limit SFL’s ability to continue to provide solutions for its clients. SFL’s top management portrays the unique interdependence of SFL, its clients and the FLOSS community in terms of a Borromean Trinity – a sharing arrangement in which each of the three constituents are essential to keep SFL’s business model viable. This research aims to validate the conceptualization of the Borromean Trinity and the effect of public policies on the sustainability of SFL’s open source business model.

Faculty Supervisor:

Marc Banik


Seyed Amirhossein (Amir H.) Taherizadeh


Savoir-faire Linux inc.




Information and communications technologies


Université du Québec à Montréal



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