Design guidance for novice designers


Providing guidance that is relevant and timely can result in better business outcomes. In this project we will focus on how to provide human computer interaction guidance in a timely, low effort way to novice software designers. The Mitacs intern will be embedded at the Apps Factory where he will provide guidance to a team of four interns working on four apps projects. Using cognitive work analysis techniques he will uncover leverage points for guiding novice designers. This project is unique in several ways in that it extends a research technique, Cognitive Work Analysis to the modeling of a team in an agile programming environment. This project also provides key design guidance and recommendations that will remain with the Apps Factory for future projects and, on publication, contribute to other design project with novice design teams.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Catherine Burns


Yeti Li


Communitech Inc.


Engineering - other


Information and communications technologies


University of Waterloo



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