Design of Reliable Resource Management Solutions in Cloud Environments for Medical Analytics and Beyond

While cloud-based medical analytics is important for facilitating efficient, patient-centric smart healthcare services, the reliability of the cloud is often under question because of many cloud failures and outages. In this project, how to reliably assign the resources and tasks to the cloud through virtual machine and medical service migration will be investigated, modeled, and evaluated through simulations and experiments. This will provide practical and adaptable solutions for health caregivers. The model will serve as a guide to caregivers and caregiving facilities for the achievement of reliable resource management. The effectiveness of the model will be evaluated and tested using both mathematical optimization and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based models. Journal publications in high impact factor IEEE transactions and/or journal(s) will be targeted to report the adopted methodology and experimental findings.

Faculty Supervisor:

Zubair Fadlullah;Salimur Choudhury


ABM Bodrul Alam


Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute


Computer science



Lakehead University



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