Determining an effective management strategy for invasive exotic cattails (Typha spp.) in the Fraser River Estuary

Invasive species represent a major threat to global biodiversity, and are projected to increase in impact as globalization promotes the continued introduction of novel species. Proactive research that investigates the ecological, social, and economic threat of novel species prior to or early in their establishment is therefore critical to effective conservation planning. For our research we will be investigating the threat of cattails (Typha spp.) in the Fraser River Estuary (FRE). These species are problematic to wetlands throughout North America, and appear to be relatively recent arrivals to the FRE, as indicated by their limited distribution and lack of historical data. This investigation will include (1) identifying their current distributions using remote sensing, (2) predicting their long-term distributions through modelling, and (3) determining cost-effective removal methods using an eradication experiment. Results will inform conservation decisions and promote an appropriate and effective response to this species in the fragile and globally-significant FRE.

Faculty Supervisor:

Tara Martin


Daniel Stewart


Ducks Unlimited Canada




Fisheries and wildlife


University of British Columbia



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