Developing a virtual reality simulator and an algorithm to assess visual-vestibular interaction (VVI)

The effect of different factors in the field of view on the vestibular (balance) system including color, intensity, object motion, self-motion sensation, etc. are investigated in this study. Electrovestibulography (EVestG) is used to quantitatively measure vestibular responses from the ear canal, noninvasively. Currently, there is an ever- increasing interest among the health-related authorities to use visual stimulation to improve symptoms of vestibular and cognitive disorders. However, these methods have their own limitations such as being subjective (questionnaires), expensive (imaging studies), time consuming and do not provide information over time. The combination of virtual reality and EVestG method will allow us to explore the effect of individual factors in the field of view on the balance system. The repeatability, cost efficiency and objectiveness of our proposed method can have a significant clinical application to explaining vestibular compensation, substitution and rehabilitation.

Faculty Supervisor:

Zahra MK Moussavi;Brian Lithgow


Mehrangiz Ashiri




Engineering - computer / electrical


Life sciences


University of Manitoba



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