Developing the use of UAV Imagery Systems for Agriculture Applications

During the last decade, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) drew the attention to be used as platform for imagery systems for different applications including agriculture applications. Therefore, the proposed research aims to develop the use of UAVs for specific important agriculture applications as weed management. These developments include the use of low-cost imagery sensors for these applications. On the other hand, Cansel is fully supportive organization for cooperative research with universities. Therefore, Cansel endorses this research as being directly relevant to the company’s interests in the area of precise agriculture using low-cost drones and sensors to support Cansel’s various UAV-based mapping systems and application. Furthermore, Canada will benefit from the established knowledge and expertise in technologies of growing demand worldwide, thus keeping the leadership of both the Canadian academia and industry sectors in the precision agriculture industry.

Faculty Supervisor:

Naser El-Sheimy


Mohamed Hassanein


Cansel Survey Equipment Inc.


Engineering - other


Information and communications technologies




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