Development of a simulation model for prediction of performance of a novel positive airway pressure (PAP) machine for treatment of sleep apnea

The gold standard of treatment for patients with sleep apnea are Positive-airway-pressure (PAP) machines. PAPs provide a one-size-fits-all solution of providing the same therapy in terms of airflow to every patient and every breath. This causes frustration and discomfort for patients, therefore patients don’t purchase PAPs or purchase and don’t use them; leading to 4 times higher chances of stroke and 3 times higher chances of heart attacks as well as huge costs on the healthcare system. NovaResp Technologies Inc is designing a new solution which through continuous monitoring of patient’s respiratory health provides personalized therapy. To finalize device specifications and produce a market ready system, optimization of device performance and efficiency of parts is required. In this project, Dr. Hanafi will create a comprehensive and accurate computer model that enables testing a range of conditions on different simulated patient scenarios to find the optimal design parameters for NovaResp’s prototype.

Faculty Supervisor:

Kamal El-Sankary


Hamed Hanafialamdari


NovaResp Technologies Inc


Engineering - biomedical


Life sciences




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