Digital Marketing and Sales Decision Optimization

Like many of their global compatriots, Canadian banks have embraced digital transformation, which enables their account holders to access and manage their accounts and investments online, allowing personalized service. This reality includes the needs of internal stakeholders as well as clients. Planning and implementation of Customer Relations Management and digital sales systems require new ways of working that in turn implicate policies and procedures. Internal culture is impacted as banks strengthen their talent acquisition in AI, Machine learning and data analytics. Collaborations between the marketing and sales department, the operations department (for customer service), the IT and data analytics teams, the customer information manager and senior management are critical for successful service and profitability. The Mitacs Accelerate will support The Digital Marketing and Sales Decision Optimization project. This project will use Artificial Intelligence, organizational behavior, design ethnography, and data visualization research to identify and integrate the data assets, analytics and communications needs of all contributors, designing a user-centric system to support strategy, implementation and evaluation of marketing campaigns.

Faculty Supervisor:

Sara Louise Diamond


Ahmad Karawash


RBC Royal Bank





OCAD University



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