Distributed hybrid simulation test of typical high-speed railway construction in China

The proposed research project is to conduct remotely controlled experiment with the Central South University (CSU) in China to study the structural behaviour of typical concrete piers for high-speed railways. The student will be in China for the physical tests while command signals to run the experiment in China will be sent by a computer in Canada. Such an experiment shares the resources between the University of British Columbia and CSU. The project will first validate the control framework developed at UBC. Second, the experiment will show structural behaviour of a typical pier that is otherwise impossible to obtain without expensive shake-table testing. Third, the comparison between solid and hollow concrete piers is essential to understand the pros and cons of each design. With the results, accurate numerical models can be constructed and calibrated to conduct design optimization and cost-benefit study of future concrete piers for high-speed railways.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Tony Yang


Dorian Tung



Engineering - civil



University of British Columbia


Globalink Research Award

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